Four Ways an MSP Helps Business Operations Run Smoothly

Business operations extend across all functions, from accounting to sales to human resources – and of course, IT. For modern businesses, IT represents an integral aspect of the operational foundation. Developing and maintaining an effective IT infrastructure and an arsenal of devices and software is absolutely critical for smooth daily operations. For those without a dedicated IT team in place to ensure the effectiveness of this business function, partnering with a managed service provider (MSP) is a logical option. Doing so allows businesses to acquire the expertise and experience needed to manage IT within the company for a much lower cost than developing an internal team. Each MSP offers a unique set of services and support, so it’s important to choose an MSP wisely. However, most providers offer the following four key areas of IT support, allowing businesses to function smoothly from day to day.

  1. Reliable Networking

An organization’s IT network must be properly configured and maintained over time to avoid issues and unnecessary network downtime. A strong MSP offers full-service networking support to businesses, meaning they install, support, optimize, maintain, and (if needed) repair networks. Without a solid IT team behind the scenes, networking issues are common, including connectivity problems and issues stemming from outdated hardware or software. An MSP ensures networks are set up in a way that limits the chances of issues occurring and puts into place a preventative maintenance plan to remain proactive about keeping the network secure and functioning.


  1. Cybersecurity Protection 


Along with a secure network, businesses require security across their entire IT infrastructure, from communications channels to each individual device used by employees – such as laptops and smartphones. Most strong MSPs offer data surveillance and security maintenance, meaning a business’ IT infrastructure and all of the sensitive information held within it are monitored 24/7. Data loss can occur because of a number of cyber attacks or other security issues. In instances of cyber attacks, businesses are often forced to cease operations (partially, if not fully) until the investigation and remediation of the issue occur. These disruptions to operations are costly, both in time and money. For businesses to avoid the negative effects of compromised data or other consequences of cybersecurity attacks, having an experienced MSP and its team protecting against these threats every single day is key.


  1. Streamlined Communication


One of the biggest disruptors of operations within a business is poor communication. While sometimes communication breakdowns occur because of individual shortcomings or poor organizational culture, they are often the result of not having the right tools, training, and/or resources available. An MSP can help select the structure, software, and equipment to streamline communication, making daily operations more efficient and effective.  


For many businesses, that includes implementing a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) system to better support communication and allow staff to reliably communicate with each other and with clients, whenever and wherever needed. Along with providing efficiency of communications, a VoIP system is accessible from mobile devices, meaning employees can make and receive calls while working from home or on the road. These systems also tend to offer more customization than a traditional system, meaning personalized and secure voicemail inboxes, unlimited extensions, and overall more flexibility when it comes to communication.


  1. Ad Hoc IT Support


For organizations without an IT team in-house, issues that arise that are beyond the expertise of its employees must be addressed by an external IT expert. Organizations without an existing relationship with an MSP often struggle to find timely and cost-effective solutions and support for these ad hoc occurrences. An MSP almost always can solve an issue faster than hiring a professional for a one-time fix. These providers get to know the IT infrastructure within the organizations they support, making it easier (and faster) to implement solutions.


For organizations with more complex IT needs, partnering with an MSP that offers 24/7 support for these issues is wise. Many processes within an organization run around the clock, so disruptions that require waiting for business hours support can have significant consequences versus getting the support needed right away – no matter the time of day.


Why Choose Local for a Business Operations MSP?


 In finding and partnering with a team of IT experts for managed services, choosing local is almost always the right decision. National providers tend to offer more packaged options, whereas local providers have the flexibility and capacity to tailor plans to fit a business’s individual needs. Local experts understand the need for round-the-clock support as well and don’t make partner organizations wait until the workday to receive the support they need.


At Kustura Technologies, our managed services offerings are based on the commitment to providing Peace of Mind for small and midsize organizations when it comes to IT. Plans are ideal for small businesses, non-profits, and other organizations needing that “all-in-one” IT support and service. Our plans offer fast turnaround times to service calls and comprehensive, hands-on, and local support for any IT issues that may arise.


Running a business can be hectic, and owners need to focus their energy on other aspects of operating, not on figuring out how to keep the IT function strong. An MSP should help your business operations run smoothly, and the team at Kustura is here to ensure that is the case. To learn more about our managed IT services and how they can impact operations, security, and efficiency within your business, reach out to our team today!

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