The Top Four Benefits of Developing Custom Applications

It’s becoming increasingly common for businesses of all sizes to develop their own custom software applications rather than rely on ”off-the-shelf” options. In fact, the custom app development market is expected to grow by over 38 billion over the next few years. Why the push in recent years for custom apps? There are many reasons, but overall – companies are looking for software solutions that better meet their needs.


Modern software solutions designed for general applications are often robust in overall functionality, but they lack customization specific to the needs of an organization. In other words, they may work pretty well for all but are probably not “perfect” for any organization. It is impossible to reach perfection when it comes to technology, but custom software applications can take businesses a lot closer than their off-the-shelf alternatives. There are four main benefits of investing in a custom software application for your business – all of which contribute to increasing productivity, efficiency, and profitability.


Customization Means Increased Efficiency


With generic-designed software, businesses have to rely on the functionality and features created by the developers. That doesn’t always mean that businesses and their employees are provided with the best or most efficient methods for communicating, sharing information or files, or completing any other necessary daily tasks. Because these apps somewhat meet the needs of many, they don’t meet the needs of any one perfectly. With custom applications, businesses can base the functionality and features of the software on their specific needs – creating opportunities to streamline tasks and increase productivity and efficiency in doing so. There are – of course – industry best practices that often apply to most or all companies operating within that industry. These best practices may mean similar ways of conducting business daily. However, no two businesses are 100% the same in how they operate or what they need.


Scalability Makes Growth Easier


Another advantage of developing a custom application for your business is the ease (and cost) of growing that software as the organization grows itself. When comparing upfront costs, developing a custom application is often higher than simply purchasing existing software (or a combination of multiple applications). However, “ready-made” apps often come accompanied by ongoing or repeat costs. Growth is most costly with these options as well, with fees for added users or additional functionality adding up.


Custom apps allow businesses to plan for growth and integrate the needed features and functionality into the app to support that growth rather than inhibit it. It is also much easier to add functionality to proprietary software than it is to add to mass-produced software. Companies producing that software often take client feedback into account when adding functionality, but that process isn’t guaranteed and takes months or even years to implement if it even happens.


Increased Security, Better Protection


Creating a custom app also allows businesses to better protect themselves and their employees when it comes to the security of information and communication. Access to the virtual world means that organizations can instantly share information and resources, complete transactions, and communicate in a matter of a couple of clicks. However, with any information transferred digitally, there is always the need to ensure this is done safely and securely.


Not all existing software comes equipped with top security features and protection for businesses or users. Developing a custom application means an organization can select security features that best meet its needs and protect its information and that of its employees and customers.


Better Brand Recognition/Impression


Customers often associate user experience when using a company’s website with their overall impression of the organization. The same can be said about business transactions completed online, be those form submissions, payments, or simple communication. Businesses with a well-developed custom application or portal often provide customers with a better user experience and one that is easily tied to the company brand. Make the customer journey easier on your audience and more will stand by its name.


Custom Applications from Kustura Technologies


When it comes to designing and developing custom applications, the team at Kustura strives for seamless integration of the technologies across all relevant platforms. Our team of experienced developers first works to understand everything from business workflows to communication needs to any previous challenges with technology that the organization has faced. From there, we can design and develop an application specifically tailored to the organization and its unique needs. Included in that design are preventative measures and features to keep the software functioning efficiently as well as protect it against any and all cyber threats.


Each business is unique from the others in terms of how it operates. To create efficiencies and streamline business operations, it’s critical to adopt software that closest meets your needs. While sometimes pre-built software can be customized to somewhat meet those needs, custom applications are the way to go to ensure ease of communication, optimized workflows, and top-level security within the organization.


Sometimes, it is hard to imagine what a custom application could do in terms of transforming an organization. It’s always helpful to visualize what that customization could look like. For those considering custom application development, we encourage you to book a free consultation and demo of our software solutions. The Kustura team would be happy to discuss your needs and how to best meet those with either existing software or custom-developed alternatives. Contact our team today to schedule a consultation!

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